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object-fit 属性由下列的值中的单独一个关键字来指定。 取值 contain 被替换的内容将被缩放,以在填充元素的内容框时保持其宽高比。 整个对象在填充盒子的同时保留其长宽比,因此如果宽高比与框的宽高比不匹配,该对象将被添加“黑边”。 cover If we style that image like so……then we end up with awkward distortion because that image is being squished to fit that container:To preserve the image’s aspect ratio whilst also filling in the space, we can use The image on the left is our original and the image on the right has cut off the sides of the image, now preserving our aspect ratio! The whole point of the polyfill is to make IE/Edge be nice.

W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. object-fit 属性由下列的值中的单独一个关键字来指定。 取值 contain 被替换的内容将被缩放,以在填充元素的内容框时保持其宽高比。 整个对象在填充盒子的同时保留其长宽比,因此如果宽高比与框的宽高比不匹配,该对象将被添加“黑边”。 cover Both Chrome and IE really stretched the image to format that didn’t look natural at all.Robin, object-position would be useful when you want to scale the container’s width, height or both, but not the image. I still haven’t hopped on the “IE’s okay, now!” train, so I don’t know if it really IS legit, but it does seem worth giving a shot.Great post :) I Love object fit! Well, in a recent project I found that a particular section of an image needed to be moved towards the center so that it caught the attention of the reader. If necessary, the object will be stretched or squished to fit: Try it » contain: The replaced content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the element's content box: Try it » cover: The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the element's entire content box. The object … The only exception would be if, one wanted the image to be cropped by its parent (object-fit: cover). Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Thank you very much. To do so, place the elements inside a containing element, such as a div, and set a minimum height on it. I don't know how to do it! I stumbled upon these properties a few weeks ago while inspecting the muzli chrome extension. Provide an overly-large image, which by default shrinks into the size you set. So, instead, the image is trimmed.Sometimes scaling an image makes detail too small, so trimming is a better option..Great article and a great css property. Fluid images will fill a parent container and retain their aspect ratio. Note: Center aligning has no effect if the width property is not set (or set to 100%). They give developers control over the content inside an img or a video similar to the way that we can manipulate the content of a background with background-position and background-size.. First, let’s dig into object-fit.. I wouldn’t say that the browser support is ‘pretty good’ if IE doesn’t support it — much of the actual world uses IE, after all. Portal references aside, at the time of writing the polyfill does not currently work in IE which is a real shame for me as I will have to write some JS to continue using this beautiful css prop.Same here.

Edit the CSS code: .container { display: grid; grid-gap: 1rem; grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 150px); grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 100px); align-items: center; } As you can see, now all items have a height value of auto. The others I tried would not work for my situation.Thank you so much for this (object-fit: contain).

=)object fit css not working ie browser.any alternative solution please give soon.There’s an IE hack three comments up that looks legit. CSS grid and flexbox are incredibly powerful tools for that, and I didn’t know this property even existed! )Alternatively, you can also check out Primož Cigler’s solution, which sets the image as a background-image on the parent container. Good question! fill: The initial value. As already stated, the align deals with the vertical (block) axis. This we can do with the help of viewport units: The problem is that when we resize the browser we change the aspect ratio of the images which can cause all sorts of weirdness.

edges of its container.The element will then take up the specified width, and the remaining space Fluid images will fill a parent container and retain their aspect ratio. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. ; Example 3: This example displays an image without using object-fit property. Just note that flexbox is not supported in IE10 and earlier versions:If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. object-fit and object-position are my two favourite CSS properties lately. Because the second image has an aspect ratio that is different than the original image on the left it will stretch outside the realm of its content box, cropping the top and bottom parts of the image.It’s worth noting that by default the image is centered within its content box but this can be altered with the The demo below shows five examples detailing how we might want an image to squish into a content box which is sometimes smaller or larger than its original width (resize the browser for a better idea of how this might work):If the content of the image does not fill the content box for whatever reason then the unfilled space will show the element’s background, in this instance a light grey background.It’s worth noting that iOS 8-9.3 and Safari 7-9.1 the The polyfill is a lie!