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Reading the document she has left him, he finds a commission in the army — an opportunity for advancement. Léonor enters and expresses her anguish at remaining his mistress rather than his Queen. Anne, pensant que Sarah l'a abandonnée pour la rendre jalouse, prend Abigail sous une aile. He asks Fernand what reward he would like and Fernand asks to marry the woman who has inspired him in his bravery.

Considering himself dishonoured by the King he breaks his sword, leaves Léonor and entrusts himself to Balthazar. Az opera első változata francia nyelvű librettóra készült.

In conversation with the courtier Don Gaspar (tenor), the King expresses his pleasure at Fernand's bravery.

He is met by Inès (soprano), her companion, who impresses upon him the need for secrecy. Elle dit à Anne qu'Abigail ne l'aime pas et la complimente. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. A kegyencnő (franciául La Favorite, olaszul La Favorita) Gaetano Donizetti operája négy felvonásban.

Alphonse (baritone) has defeated the Moors and taken Alcazar. Originally, Donizetti had been composing an opera by the name of Donizetti wrote the entire final act in three to four hours, with the exception of the cavatina and a part of a duet, which were added at the rehearsal stage.The Opéra's original production (Paris, 1840) had costumes designed by Paul Lormier and sets produced by two teams of scenic artists: René-Humanité Philastre and The London premiere was in English at Drury Lane in 1843 with soprano A love triangle involving the King of Castile, Alfonso XI, his mistress ('the Fernand has found his lady, Léonor (mezzo-soprano), declared his love and received it in return, but he is still unaware of her real identity. Alone, the King expresses his love for Léonor and his desire to divorce the Queen and marry her. Le réalisateur choisissait lui-même la musique lors du montageBIFA Award 2019 : Meilleure actrice (Olivia Colman), meilleure actrice secondaire (Rachel Weisz), meilleur réalisateur (Yorgos Lanthimos), meilleur film et meilleur scénario. Az ősbemutatóra 1840. december 2-án került sor a párizsi Nagyoperában. Alphonse is to honour Fernand for his role in the war. Léonor enters.

At first Fernand rejects her, but eventually moved by her love and sincerity, he is willing to give himself to her again, but it is too late, Léonor collapses once more and dies in his arms.Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 5th ed, 1954, Fernand only learns the truth after the wedding ceremony. She makes no denial, but at that moment Balthazar enters intent on forcing the King to abandon his plans for the royal divorce. He realizes that this will provoke the opposition of his powerful father-in-law Balthazar who is ultimately backed by the Pope. La favorita é uma grande ópera francesa em quatro atos com música de Gaetano Donizetti e libreto de Alphonse Royer, Gustave Vaez e Eugène Scribe, baseado na peça teatral Le comete de Comminge de Baculard d'Arnaud.Estreou em 2 de dezembro de 1840 na Ópera Garnier, em Paris.. A ópera foi composta para o público parisiense no estilo da Grand Opéra francesa (grande duração, balé, etc. Les plans de Sarah pour contrôler Anne sont ébranlés par Robert Harley (Nicholas Hoult), chef d… Quand Abigail, maintenant promue Abigail profite maintenant de sa position et s'adonne démesurément aux fêtes et aux divertissements de la cour. Don Gaspar enters with news that a letter has been discovered revealing that Léonor has a lover. She decides that Fernand must be informed about her past and sends Inès to him. The King suspects that he is losing her affection. Toutefois, à la cour, la mode est aux courses de canards et à la dégustation dananas.

Sarah, rongée par les remords, brûle les lettres, mais Anne la renvoie de la cour. The King is astonished to learn that Fernand is his successful rival. Abigail drogue le thé de Sarah, ce qui la fait plus tard tomber de cheval alors qu'elle chevauchait seule. Léonor enters in a state of exhaustion and faints before the cross. Léonor is left with mixed feelings of apprehension and delight. However, unknown to Léonor, Inès is arrested before she can see him. Szövegét Baculard Arnaud Le Comte de Comminges c. drámája nyomán Alphonte Royer, Gustave Vaëz és Eugéne Scribe írta. Sarah a vent des machinations d'Abigail et essaie de la renvoyer. « un malin plaisir à repousser les limites du genre »« un spectacle où le grandiose s’accorde au grotesque et la trivialité au raffinement » Debuttò all'opera per l'Académie Royale de Musique di Parigi il 2 dicembre 1840, su libretto di Alphonse Royer e Gustave Vaëz Cast della prima assoluta. LAngleterre et la France sont en guerre.

Fernand is preparing to enter his new religious life.

L'équipe n'avait pas de compositeur.

Anne, très malade, agrippe les cheveux d'Abigail et lui ordonne de lui masser les jambes, comme si elle n'était qu'une servante. Début du XVIIIe siècle. She has arranged to meet him on the island of Leon, to which he is brought blindfolded by boat.

La Favorite Grand opera by Gaetano Donizetti The composer in 1842 Librettist Alphonse Royer Gustave Vaëz LanguageFrench Based onLe comte de Comminges by Baculard d'Arnaud Premiere 2 December 1840 Académie Royale de Musique, Paris La Favorite is a grand opera in four acts by Gaetano Donizetti to a French-language libretto by Alphonse Royer and Gustave Vaëz, based on the play Le comte de Comminges by Baculard d'Arnaud. In an abrupt change of mind, he orders Fernand and Léonor to marry within one hour. La favorita (título original en francés, La favorite) es una grand opéra en cuatro actos con música de Gaetano Donizetti y libreto en francés de Alphonse Royer, Gustave Vaëz y Eugène Scribe, basado en la obra de teatro Le Comte de Comminges de François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'Arnaud.Fue estrenada el 2 de diciembre de 1840 en la Opéra de París Alors qu'elle flâne dans la chambre de la reine, elle commence à écraser délibérément un des lapins d'Anne, avant de le laisser s'échapper. La reine Anne (Olivia Colman), à la santé fragile et au caractère instable, occupe le trône et joue avec ses 17 lapins, un pour chaque enfant qu'elle a perdu, tandis que son amie Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weisz), duchesse de Marlborough, gouverne le pays à sa place.