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A policeman travels to Thailand and has an affair. A hideously ugly witch casts spells on her victims which turns their insides into snakes and worms.

Crazy Kung-Fu en streaming. When he begins to terrorize the city, uses Grandpa and Tien Tien master students as bait, so ghostly warriors, to eventually capture the creature. On Kit and Lyre's wedding night, Lien Ni-Chang, the bride with white hair kidnaps Lyre and takes her to her harem of fighting women to indoctrinate her against Kit.

There, Ming meets Master Gau, the "Vampire... aka Black Magic This film picked up the baton from the Seven Golden Vampires with the Shaw Brothers branching out on their own without the constraints of some fuddy-duddy English film company. While possessed by an evil spirit, a man murders his daughter.

Siu and Ming are two cops. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these... Acclaimed director Liu Chia-liang directs his brothers Gordon Liu Chia-hui and Liu Chia-yung in a wild and crazy ghostly film in this heralded sequel to The Spiritual Boxer. Master Cheung is the last of a large family whose members for centuries have protected the Earth from a demonic cat with nine lives.

ALXrecords. Après plusieurs rencontres avec des voyous et une véritable brute connu sous le nom de "The Beast", Sing parvient à vaincre ses handicaps et réalise qu'il est devenu l'un des plus grands maîtres de kung fu destiné à protéger la rue sacrée.. C'est une source d'inspiration à part entière.

A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero. While filming in Malacca, a Hong Kong film crew release the Red Dwarf ghost from her tomb.

Epic.Watch Only in Russia 2013. Story 2, a naked female ghost gets revenge from her watery grave. Dans le genre ce film est une turie .

(2,99 €) pas du tout attiré par ce genre de film, vu par hasard chez des amis,super film, trés drole, scene de kung fu terrible, bonne B O, bref g acheté le DVD

A resort owner bribes an official with sex with his starlet in return for planning approval, but the starlet is electrocuted and disfigured. Retrouvez plus d'infos sur notre page de

Au milieu des films de comédie Crazy kung-fu est une perle, riche en gag et en scène de combat d'art martial bien chorégraphié ce film risque de vous asphyxié de rire .

La meilleure adaptation ciné d' Asterix et Obelix...GLOBAL JAZZALIST sur ton moteur de recherche.
Unfortunately, the diamond is cursed and enables a monster to gain...

Crazy kung-fu est un film réalisé par Stephen Chow avec Stephen Chow, Wah Yuen. While lecturing in China, Van Helsing agrees to help seven kung fu trained siblings reclaim their ancestral mountain village, now the domain of seven powerful vampires and their army of undead slaves.

A woman who has been cursed by a witch must rip off her head every night so it can fly around, attack people and drink their blood, which keeps her alive. Eliza Hittman avec